The full DLT4EU Final (online) Event programme is out!

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In less than a month, the DLT4EU Accelerator programme will come to an end. It has been an intense experience, with lots of hard work and learnings. But, finally the moment of explaining strengths and pitfalls has arrived. On May 6 from 10:30h to 12:30h (CET) the three accelerator initiatives that will receive follow-on funding will be publicly announced at the programme’s final (online) event. What to expect from the occasion? Let’s check out the full agenda!

Grand opening for a grand experience

The opening of the event is in charge of Fabrizio Sestini, Senior Expert for Digital Social Innovation at the European Commission DG Connect department, and Liz Corbin, DLT4EU Programme Director from Metabolic. Sestini will share insights on the current and future Digital Transition actions carried out by the EC while Corbin will introduce the outcomes of the project and all of those involved in making it possible.

Round table with leading-voices of the sector 

Time now to unveil, as promised, the experts who will join the live Round Table to discuss the use of technology for the common good, and how DLT solutions can help tackle social and environmental challenges. We are very glad to share these incredible names:   

  • Francisca Bria, President of the Italian National Innovation Fund.

  • Giulio Quagiotto, Head of Strategic Innovation at UNDP. 

  • Chris Speed, Chair in Design Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. 

  • João Farinha, Advisor for the Portuguese Secretary of State for Digital Transition. 

  • Alice MacNeil, DLT4EU Programme Manager.

  • Alexandre Pólvora, Policy Analyst at the European Commission Joint Research Center. 

Together they will discuss and explore what has been done to progress early-stage innovation and how emerging technologies for social and public sectors can be properly supported, as well as the lessons learned during the DLT4EU journey.

Announcement of the three winning projects

After the showcase of the 8 Proof-Of-Concepts (POC) outcomes video of the DLT4EU Accelerator programme, it is time for the protagonists of the day: the Venture Teams

Marcella Atzori, Blockchain Advisor to the European Commission, is part of the Jury who has selected the awarded solutions that will receive follow-on funding. This recognition will provide to the winning teams the opportunity to follow-on facilitating the real-world uptake of the solutions and to increase the visibility of the projects. 

We are very happy to share the results of this adventure with all the DLT4EU community!


Digital Impact Investment – an interview with Marina Petrović, Robert Pašičko, Rawad Rizk & Dr. Nikola Markovic


The three winning DLT4EU accelerator initiatives will be announced on May 6th at the programme’s (online) final event!